In today’s episode, I will address a couple of requests to update the audience on recent events related to Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and IoT.
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Digital Transformation and MLOps
Digital transformations require the convergence of two factors: (1) A business goal and (2) good and reliable data to build the models.
(1) I like the approach PEX took to document some best practices to help an organization define its goals and assess its digital needs as a starting point for digital transformation.
(2) As we mentioned in episode 17, finding relevant information to build Digital Transformation use cases has some obstacles. There is a recent trend of building use cases using internal information to improve operational efficiency. This trend is called MLOps. CIO Magazine published a report about the topic this week.
Digital Transformation and the CEO
As we commented in episode 3, the involvement and support of an extended leadership team, including the CEO, is required. A couple of days ago, McKinsey Digital published a podcast about the importance of including Digital Transformation in the CEO agenda.
Digital Transformation as a multistep approach or as multiple parallel pathways
MIT Management Sloan School published a fascinating paper about the importance of building a multiple-step approach and the need to evaluate including multiple initiatives (operational or end-user centric) with the possibility to iterate and learn from each iteration.
Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security
In episode 08 and episode 09, we talked about new security exposure we face due to the proliferation of Application Program Interfaces (API) as a way to connect new applications in a mesh of transparent data and processes often referred to as composable applications.
This week The Pentagon named a new chief responsible for artificial intelligence, who will oversee the development and application of policies, practices, standards, and metrics for buying and building AI trustworthy and accountable. It would be very nice if they provided some general guidelines on ethical AI.
Edge + IOT
May Broadcom buying VMware accelerate the adoption of IoT on Edge platforms? An interesting analysis made by The Register.
Good enough?
What are your thoughts on the subjects raised in this edition of the Digital Acceleration Newsletter?
Share them in the comments below, and if you have ideas about other topics you’d like to see covered in future episodes, feel free to add those suggestions as well.