Ep. 33 Weekly news: Ethical AI (#ICYMI)

In csase you missed it, three important news commented in this episode. ethical ai, copyright and AI systems, and free Analytics courses.

In this episode, I will comment on a couple of news related to Ethical AI, AI and copyrights, and free Analytic training on the web.

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Artificial Intelligence news

I. Can we trust Artificial Intelligence?

Caltech published a very interesting paper called Can we trust Artificial Intelligence? that covers several moral and ethical factors.

Why this news is important?

While this whitepaper highlights the difference between Science and Technology, it opens the discussion on reviewing moral and ethical aspects of AI systems (a technology) to improve the adoption of AI mainstream.

It also highlights that we are very well prepared to test legacy applications, but maybe we need to review and update testing methodologies for AI-based systems.

II. Artist receives first known US Copyright registration for content created by AI-system

In Episode 19, we talked about DALL-E and open the discussion about who owns the copyright of content created by an AI system.

This week, Art Technica published an article commenting on an artist who received the first known US copyright registration for latent diffusion AI Art.

Why this is important?

While there is an important trend in Communication, Media, and Entertainment to enrich man-made content with content made with the assistance of AI systems, assigning Copyright to these hybrid content opens a new business opportunity for content creators.

At the same time, opens the door to revising other topics such as Ethical AI.

Analytics news

III. Bonus: Here are 4 free online business analytics course

Fortune Magazine published an article with four free online business analytics courses this week.

If you want to improve your skills with a limited budget, I recommend reading this information carefully.