Ep. 53 Digital Acceleration News as 2022-03-05

Digital Acceleration News

Heads up, Thought Leaders, In Episode 53, we will comment on three thought-provoking news related to Cybersecurity and Innovation. This news will have long-term implications for many digital acceleration initiatives.

Let’s start.

Cybersecurity News: Thought provoking related with implications of the DoD Thunderdome Project initial milestone approval.

DoD Cybersecurity Project hits a critical milestone and moves to the next phase.

Military Embedded is commenting on the completion of a critical milestone of project “Thunderdome” getting approval to continue to the next level.

Why is this relevant?

  1. Project Thunderdome is a project led by DISA (Defense Information Systems Agency) with the support of Booz Allen Hamilton, intended to remap the whole DoD with an updated Network Architecture based on Zero-trust principles. Getting approval for the initial milestones (sort of a pilot project, appraised at USD 6.8M) is giving the green light to continue adding network elements to the proposed architecture.
  2. It creates a major testimony to other governmental agencies to explore network security approaches based on Zero-trust principles. 
  3. Zero-trust principles are synergistic with Cloud Deployment and Digital Transformation Initiatives.

This information will create important thoughts in Enterprise CISOs.

We talk about Cybersecurity frequently. Our most recent Episode is (Ep40: Cybersecurity: Too much or too little).

Thought-provoking. Food for thought!

Innovation News: Two news.

AMD CEO: The Next Challenge is Energy Efficiency

IEEE Spectrum published an article about AMD’s CEO speech at the 2023 IEEE International Solid-State Circuit Conference (ISSCC), where she made clear the need for IC manufacturers to look for more efficient ways to power IT infrastructure.

Why is this relevant?

Think of this: as individuals, we already suffer from old mobile devices that need to be recharged for a couple of hours.

Mobile device manufacturers have improved the battery quality and the recharging speed with powerful intelligent charges.

But, we still have a main topic to resolve: Denser processors are needed to provide a better user experience, and these future devices will consume more power under the existing manufacturing rules.

Now, open your mind and imagine the challenge a Cloud Service Provider has getting ready to support thousands of Enterprise Customers looking for metaverse services, where super powerful GPUs are needed (with their record energy consumption).

Very interesting talk. If you want to know more about Metaverse, I strongly suggest reading Ep 37.

A must-read! food for thought.

Is the end of Cobol near?

Again, IEEE Spectrum published a very interesting article about a never-ending story.

Did you know that COBOL was developed in 1959 and Reuters estimated in 2015 that there were 220 billion lines of COBOL code still in production, running on thousands of applications on Fortune 2000 customers and government agencies?

This is a world record in language adoption and long-term utilization.

Why is this relevant?

Imagine this, these above-mentioned applications typically control critical mission systems, mainly because of their stability and capability to scale.

But good news is also bad news.

During COVID, many organizations realized the risk of supporting these systems in what-if scenarios.

There is a new revision of evaluating alternatives to replace COBOL-based solutions with other technologies.

At the same time, this may trigger many Digital Acceleration initiatives.

Very interesting article. It has technology and social aspects to consider.

Though-provoking. Food for thought. Must read.

 Good enough?

I hope you find this Episode valuable and entertaining.

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